Kiat Sukses Promosi Blog

Sabtu, 12 April 2014

Siapa tidak kenal dengan serch engine seperti GOOGLE, YAHOO, MSN, AOL dan ODP 4 serch enngine inilah yang anda harus fokuskan dalam promosi blog anda , di Ebook ini saya tidak menjelaskan secara rinci bagaimana cara mengoptimalkannya tapi anda akan memahami bagaymana cara untuk melakukan promosi ddengan mendaftarkan blog anda ke serch engine seperti yahoo,google dan lain-lain serta bagaimana cara sukses agar blog anda terdaftar di ODP Dmoz.

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Future Samachar Magazine January 2011

Jumat, 11 April 2014

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Rahasia Bisnis Orang Jepang

Rabu, 09 April 2014

Rahasia Bisnis Orang Jepang
Setelah Jepang dibom oleh Amerika tahun 1945, banyak pakar ekonomi mengatakan bahwa Jepang akan segera mengalami kebangkrutan. Tapi fakta ternyata mengatakan hal yang berbeda. Setelah 20 tahun Jepang ternyata bangkit menjadi negara dengan perekonomian yang kuat bersaing dengan Amerika.
Penulis ebook ini mengungkap gaya hidup dan semangat serta prinsip orang Jepang yang membuahkankan hasil yang mengagumkan. Ebook ini tidak hanya akan memberi anda pengetahuan tentang Rahasia Bisnis Orang Jepang, tetapi juga memberi inspirasi bagi hidup anda.
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Apache solr 4 cookbook pdf

Senin, 07 April 2014

Apache solr 4 cookbook

  • Learn how to make Apache Solr search faster, more complete, and comprehensively scalable 
  • Solve performance, setup, configuration, analysis, and query problems in no time 
  • Get to grips with, and master, the new exciting features of Apache Solr 4 
Apache Solr is a blazing fast, scalable, open source Enterprise search server built upon Apache Lucene. Solr is wildly popular because it supports complex search criteria, faceting, result highlighting, query-completion, query spell-checking, and relevancy tuning, amongst other numerous features.

"Apache Solr 4 Cookbook" will show you how to get the most out of your search engine. Full of practical recipes and examples, this book will show you how to set up Apache Solr, tune and benchmark performance as well as index and analyze your data to provide better, more precise, and useful search data.

"Apache Solr 4 Cookbook" will make your search better, more accurate and faster with practical recipes on essential topics such as SolrCloud, querying data, search faceting, text and data analysis, and cache configuration.

With numerous practical chapters centered on important Solr techniques and methods, Apache Solr 4 Cookbook is an essential resource for developers who wish to take their knowledge and skills further. Thoroughly updated and improved, this Cookbook also covers the changes in Apache Solr 4 including the awesome capabilities of SolrCloud.

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Introducing Html5 E book Free

Minggu, 06 April 2014

Introducing Html5 E-book ,Introducing ,Html5

Complete Introducing Html5 E-book Free

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Novel Religi Air Mata Cinta Pembersih Dosa

Sabtu, 05 April 2014

Versi : Bahasa Indonesia
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A History of the Jews Paul Johnson pdf download

Jumat, 04 April 2014

A History of the Jews - Paul Johnson

Paul Johnson says that writing A History of the Jews was like writing a history of the world "seen from the viewpoint of a learned and intelligent victim." Johnsons history begins with the Bible and ends with the establishment of the State of Israel. Throughout, Johnsons history is driven by a philosophical interest: "The Jews," he writes, "stand right at the centre of the perennial attempt to give human life the dignity of a purpose. Does their own history suggest that such attempts are worth making? Or does it reveal their essential futility?" Johnsons history is lucid, thorough, and--as one would expect of almost any project with such a broad scope--a little wrong-headed. By the end of the book, readers will be grateful for Johnsons questioning of the Jews confidence in their cosmic significance. However, readers may also be a little annoyed by his energetic inquiries as to whether this significance was man-made or providentially provided. Either way, its a given: for a historian of Israel, this should adequately settle the question. Johnsons 600-page history is probably the best weve got by a living gentile--which is no small accomplishment at all. ~ Michael Joseph Gross
Less a seminal contribution than a distillation of a wide range of sources, this history of the Jews focuses on their four-millennia interplay with, and adaption to, other, often hostile, civilizationsa "world history seen from the viewpoint of a learned and intelligent victim." Weaving biblical and archeological data, Johnson (Modern Times and A History of Christianity is particularly deft at placing the patriarchs and early Israelites (the Bronze Age through the destruction of the First Temple) in their historical context. His dense, somewhat arbitrary, capsule extols Judaic rational scholarshipwhich contributed to ethical monotheism and the 18th-century economic system, in turnand denigrates mystic kabbalah"heresy of the most pernicious kind." Although Johnson, who seeks to acknowledge "the magnitude of the debt Christianity owes to Judaism," traces "an inherent conflict" between the religion and the state of Israel through the various ages, the work is incontrovertibly sympathetic to Zionism. BOMC and QPBC featured alternates; author tour.

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Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire

Kamis, 03 April 2014

Harry juga dihantui oleh mimpi buruk tentang seorang penjaga tua yang celaka karena dia mengetahui rencana Voldemort saat memberikan perintah pada anak buahnya, Wormtail dan si misterius Barty Crouch Jr untuk menculik dan menghabisi Harry Potter.

Situasi semakin memburuk ketika Harry terjebak dalam sebuah turnamen antar sekolah penyihir, Triwizard, dimana dia harus bertahan menghadapi tim pesaing lain dari Beauxbatons Academy dan Durmstrang Institute yang jauh lebih unggul dan sangat licik. Lalu, mampukah Harry memenangkan kompetisi tersebut dan merebut piala api?

Penasaran Dengan Kelanjutan Ceritanya…

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
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Cerita Kriminal

Rabu, 02 April 2014

Versi : Bahasa Indonesia
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Ebook Seni Berciuman Terpanas

Selasa, 01 April 2014

Ebook "Seni Berciuman Terpanas"

BERCIUMAN bukanlah hal yang
tabu dilakukan setiap pasangan.
Hanya saja, tidak semua
pasangan berhasil menciptakan
ciuman sensual.
Menurut Health24, ciuman
sensual bisa diraih mulai... download selengkapnya disini! 


tag : e-book, ebook gratis, buku digital, e-buku, free ebook, buku gratis, download gratis

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日本語能力試験問題集N3語彙スピードマスター Nihongo nouryoku shiken mondaishuu N3 goi speed master

Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

 日本語能力試験問題集N3語彙スピードマスター Nihongo nouryoku shiken mondaishuu N3 goi speed master




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Ebook Cinta Untuk Para ABG Disarankan Baca Ini

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

Di halaman ini aku khususkan untuk para ABG. Tapi untuk yang tua juga GPP kok. He...3X

Di halaman ini aku akan mencoba memberikan informasi tentang CINTA.

Nah bagi yang tertarik untuk membaca atau sekedar melihat silahkan aja ya...



10 Tips Kesalahan Jatuh Cinta (Definisi Tentang CINTA)


Jika Sudah Terlanjur Ngomong CINTA


Enaknya Pilih Taaruf atau Pacaran????

Motivasiku Jika Pacaran

Tanda2 Cewek Naksir Cowok

Semoga bermanfaat


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Naturally Good Magazine Issue 3 April June 2009

Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

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Money Today January 2011

Selasa, 25 Maret 2014

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Free Books on Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Senin, 24 Maret 2014

  1. Lessons In Electric Circuit, Tony R. Kuphaldt
  2. Electronics- Nelson
  3. Electronics Tutorial, Alex Pounds
  4. Circuits and Electronics, Prof. Anant Agarwal
  5. Electrical RLC networks and diodes - G. Ali
  6. Digital Design, by Frank Vahid
  7. Electronic Transformers, Reuben Lee
  8. Transistor Basics, Epina Book Team
  9. Op Amps for Everyone Design Guide, Ron Mancini
  10. Introduction to Electric Power Systems, Prof. James Kirtley
  11. Digital Integrated Circuits, Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan, and Borivoje Nikolic
  12. Designing Analog Chips by Hans Camenzind.
  13. Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits, Prof. Anantha Chandrakasan
  14. Solid-State Circuits, Dr. Kent Lundberg
  15. Advanced Circuit Techniques, Prof. James Roberge
  16. Power Electronics, Prof. David Perreault
  17. Amplifier Builders Guide, Hugo Gernsback
  18. Electronic Transformers and Circuits, Reuben Lee
  19. Engineering Electronics, George Happell and Wilfred Hesselberth
  20. Basic Radio - The Essentials of Electron tubes and their Circuits, J. Barton Hoag

  21. High-Fidelity Circuit Design, Norman Crowhurst and George Cooper
  22. Magnetic Amplifiers, Paul Mali
  23. Basic Theory and Applications of Electron Tubes
  24. The Cathode-ray tube at Work, John F. Rider
  25. Dynamical Analogies, Harry F. Olson
  26. Electron-Tube Circuits, Samuel Seely
  27. XYZs of Oscilloscopes
  28. Electron Tube Design, RCA (151MB)

  29. Electronic Amplifier Circuits, Joseph Petit and Malcolm McWhorter

  30. Electronic Circuits and Tubes
  31. Principles of Electricity Applied to Telephone and Telegraph Work
  32. The Radio Handbook, William Orr
  33. Beginners Introduction to the Assembly Language of ATMEL-AVR-Microprocessors by Gerhard Schmidt
  34. The VHDL Cookbook by Peter J. Ashenden
  35. VHDL Quick Start by Peter J. Ashenden
  36. Analog and Mixed-Signal Modeling using VHDL-AMS by Ernst Christen
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The Pyramid Builders of Ancient Egypt A Modern Investigation of Pharaohs Workforce

Sabtu, 22 Maret 2014

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Life Expectancy By Dean Koontz

Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

Description : Before he died on a storm wracked night, jimmy tock’s grandfather predicted that there would be five dark days in his grandson’s life five dates whose terrible events jimmy must prepare himself to face. the first is to occur in his twentieth year, the last in his thirtieth. what terrifying events await jimmy on these five critical days? what challenges must he survive? the path he follows will defy every expectation and will take all the love, humor, and courage he possesses.
Publish Year : 2004
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Flick Magazine September 2010

Kamis, 20 Maret 2014

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Deploying secure wireles Networks with windows

Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

This Books Structure

Although code examples are reused throughout the book and later chapters build upon material in earlier chapters (e.g., GUIs), topics in this book are covered fairly independently and are grouped together in different parts. If a particular domains part doesnt interest you, you can generally skip ahead to a part that does.

As a result, its not too much of a stretch to consider this edition as akin to four or five books in one. Its top-level structure underscores its application-topics focus (see the Table of Contents for a more fine-grained look at the books structure):

Part I, The Beginning

I start off with an overview of some of the main ideas behind Python and a quick sneak-preview chapter to whet your appetite. The sneak preview doesnt teach much, but it serves as an introduction and demo for some of the topics to come, and as a refresher for core Python concepts such as OOP.

Part II, System Programming

This section explores the system-level interfaces in Python as well as their realistic applications. Well look at topics such as threading, directory walkers, processes, environment variables, and streams, and we will apply such tools to common system administration tasks such as directory searchers and file splitters.

Part III, GUI Programming

In this section, youll learn how to build portable GUIs with Python. The Tkinter toolkit is covered from the ground up as you move from basics to techniques to constructing complete programs. Youll build text editors, clocks, and more in this part. GUIs also show up throughout the rest of the book, and they often reuse some of the tools youll build here.

Part IV, Internet Programming

In this section, youll learn all about using Python on the Internet. I begin with network basics and sockets, move through client-side tools like FTP and email, and end up using server-side tools to implement interactive web sites. Along the way, Ill contrast different ways to move bits around the Web with Python. Youll code GUI and web-based email programs, for example, to help underscore trade-offs between client- and server-side techniques. A final chapter in this part surveys more advanced toolkits and techniques for Internet-related application developmentZope, Jython, XML, and the like.

Part V, Tools and Techniques

This part is a collection of tool topics that span application domainsdatabase interfaces and object persistence, text and language processing, and data structure implementation. Youll build GUIs here for browsing databases, viewing data structures, and performing calculations.

Part VI, Integration

This part of the book looks at the interfaces available for mixing Python with programs written in C and C++. These interfaces allow Python to script existing libraries and to serve as an embedded customization tool. As youll see, by combining Python with compiled languages, programs can be both flexible and efficient.

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ELLE Decor USA MAY 2009

Selasa, 18 Maret 2014

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About USMLE Step 3 Test

Senin, 17 Maret 2014

The United States Medical Licensing Examination, or USMLE, is administered to assess the knowledge and ability of medical professionals. In order to receive a license to practice medicine, candidates must pass the USMLE.
The USMLE is a three-step test sponsored by the Federation of State Medical Boards and the National Board of Medical Examiners. The test is used to determine a potential physicians ability to utilize their skills and knowledge when treating patients. The test is a means of ensuring that candidates pursuing a medical license will be capable of providing safe and effective patient care. Candidates must complete all three steps of the USMLE in order to be granted a medical license.
Step 3 of the USMLE ensures a candidates ability to properly apply medical knowledge in an unsupervised medical setting. The test focuses on the candidates understanding of biomedical and clinical science. The test requires the candidate to evaluate the severity of a patients condition, properly diagnose the patient and effectively treat the condition. The test will be composed of a combination of multiple-choice question and computer-based case studies. Candidates must demonstrate an ability to provide patient-centered care for inpatients as well as ambulatory patients.
The test can be divided into two areas: clinical encounters and physician tasks. Clinical encounter questions will be divided into three categories: initial care will constitute 20% to 30%, continued care 50% to 60%, and emergency care 15% to 25%. The physician task portion will be divided into six categories. Between 8% and 12% of the test will be dedicated to each of these areas: patient history and physical examination, laboratory and diagnostic studies, diagnosis, evaluation of severity, and application of scientific concepts and mechanisms of disease. The remaining 45% to 55% of the test will focus on managing patients.
In order to take Step 3 of the USMLE, candidates must acquire an MD degree, pass USMLE Steps 1 and 2, and meet all Step 3 requirements set by the candidates medical licensing authority. Candidates must complete all three steps of the USMLE within a seven-year period or less.
Candidates are allowed to retake a Step up to three times in a 12-month period. Candidates who must retake Step 3 are required to wait 60 days after their failed attempt to retake the test.
Additional testing information including dates, locations, fees and practice tests can be found at
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Fludd A Novel By Hilary Mantel

Minggu, 16 Maret 2014

Description : One dark and stormy night in 1956, a stranger named fludd mysteriously turns up in the dismal village of fetherhoughton. he is the curate sent by the bishop to assist father angwin-or is he? in the most unlikely of places, a superstitious town that understands little of romance or sentimentality, where bad blood between neighbors is ancient and impenetrable, miracles begin to bloom. no matter how copiously father angwin drinks while he confesses his broken faith, the level of the bottle does not drop.
Publish Year : 2000
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Scientific American June 2009

Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

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Hands On By Jaci Burton

Jumat, 14 Maret 2014

Description : Lara mckenzie cant believe anyone would want to interview her about placing first in the annual self pleasure fundraiser. an educator, she also writes books helping women to achieve more fulfilling sex lives. now if only she could fulfill her own!mark whitman, freelance reporter, has just scored an easy assignment write an article for total man magazine about lara mckenzie,
Publish Year : 2009
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Historical Grammar of Japanese Reprint edition

Kamis, 13 Maret 2014

Historical Grammar of Japanese (Reprint edition)

Historical Grammar of Japanese (Reprint edition)
Publisher: Routledge | G. B. Sansom | ISBN: 0700702881 | June 1, 1995 | PDF | 362 pages | 16 Mb

First published in 1928, this path-breaking work is still of importance and interest to Japanese scholars and linguists.



No Mirror(s) Please !!!

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Desi Fashion May June 2011 India

Selasa, 11 Maret 2014

Desi Fashion - May/June 2011 (India)
English | 108 Pages | True PDF | 38.79 MB


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Introduction to Oracle

Senin, 10 Maret 2014

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Sexy Web Design March 2009

Minggu, 09 Maret 2014

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Cinema Matters com Magazine February 2011 India

Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014

Cinema Magazine - February 2011 (India)
English | 73 Pages | True PDF | 35.31 MB


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Dream On By Jaci Burton

Jumat, 07 Maret 2014

Description : Since her husband jack left her five years ago, kate has done nothing but dwell on the anger and feelings of betrayal, vowing to forget their twenty-year marriage and move on. but she cant. she dreams about him every night. dreams of his smile, his touch, the way he used to look at her and the way he made love to her.
Publish Year : 2009
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National Geographic Kids April 2010

Kamis, 06 Maret 2014

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Midnight Velvet By Jaci Burton

Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

Description : Nca intelligence analyst nevada james, code name velvet, has just been given the opportunity of her dreams. shes about to enter the nca field agent training program. but a chance encounter with sexy field agent midnight turns her world upside down, putting her life and her heart in danger. she doesnt want to think hot, passionate thoughts about her superior officer, but shes unable to control her bodys desires where tyler is concerned.
Publish Year : 2009
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The Nature Of Things By Lucretius

Senin, 03 Maret 2014

Description : The epicureans of ancient rome discarded the ideas of life after death and of an interventionist god in favor of the tactile pleasures of nature. in the nature of things, lucretius celebrates with wit and sharp perception the extraordinary breadth of the epicurean belief system, ranging from the indestructibility of atoms and the discovery of fire to the folly of romantic love and the phenomena of clouds and rainstorms.
Publish Year : 2007
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Home Networking with Microsoft Windows XP Step by Step

Minggu, 02 Maret 2014

Home Networking with Microsoft Windows XP Step by Step

Home Networking with Microsoft Windows XP Step by Step
Publisher: Microsoft Press | pages: 192 | 2001 | ISBN: 0735614350 | CHM | 12 mb

Teach yourself just what you need to know about setting up a home network with the Windows XP operating system. With STEP BY STEP, you can work through every lesson in the book or choose your own best starting point. The book uses easy-to-follow instructions and friendly, non-intimidating language to explain how to set up and use a simple Windows XP-based home server. Walk through the steps for creating and configuring a network that connects all the intelligent devices in your home or home-based business-everything from PCs, printers, and scanners to WebTV(r), digital cameras, and the coming wave of "smart" home appliances. STEP BY STEP is the easy way to introduce yourself to Windows XP home networking features-and build your mastery with everyday tasks-one step at a time!

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Giving Life India November December 2010

Sabtu, 01 Maret 2014

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India Today 20 December 2010

Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

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The Darkest Touch By Jaci Burton

Rabu, 26 Februari 2014

Description : Ryder. the man was just as sexy as she remembered him: tall, lean, and dangerous, a demon hunter with the body of a god but archaeologist angelique deveraux has little time for lust. she’s been hiding a gleaming black diamond, a prize everyone wants including ryder and now she’s running for her life. hot on her trail is ryder, a legendary demon hunter.
Publish Year : 2008
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Inc India Magazine April 2011

Selasa, 25 Februari 2014

English | 68 Pages | True PDF | 8.30 MB


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Meri Saheli January 2011

Senin, 24 Februari 2014

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PC Gamer Magazine 2010 Full Collection

Minggu, 23 Februari 2014

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1) Hotfile Part-1, Part-2
2) FileSonic
Part-1, Part-2
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The Complete Guide To Windows 7

Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014

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Discover Magazine July August 2010

Kamis, 20 Februari 2014

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Rabu, 19 Februari 2014

Fetus: cardinal movements of fetus
"Dont Forget I Enjoy Really Expensive Equipment":
Interal rotation
External rotation

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Screwjack A Short Story By Hunter S Thompson

Senin, 17 Februari 2014

Description : They will not be disappointed. his notorious screwjack is as salacious, unsettling, and brutally lyrical as it has been rumored to be since the private printing in 1991 of three hundred fine collectors copies and twenty six leather bound presentation copies. only the first of the three pieces included here mescalito, published in thompsons 1990 collection songs of the doomed has been available to the public, making the trade edition of screwjack a major publishing event.
Publish Year : 1991
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